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very time consuming interview process

Bewerber/inHat sich 2021 bei Personio GmbH in München als Junior Implementation Manager beworben und eine Absage erhalten.


Super interesting company with great values, but as a company that focuses on facilitating HR processes it is quite paradox that their own hiring process is so time consuming and repetitive.

It is transparent in terms of what is next in the agenda, but a lot of times I had to repeat my answers from previous interview rounds and the questions, where quite general and not really in depth, felt more like a tick the box situation.

Almost all the interviewers were stressed on the time and needed to hop off the call immediately. If it's too much, you should consider reduce some steps.

+ seemingly cool working environment and hyper growth stage
+ lots of interesting people to talk to

- salary is way beneath market average and as a unicorn, that claims that the most important asset to a company is the people, the salary doesn't really reflect that
-interview process felt like a mass production on the same or similar questions all over again

thankful for the experience, but didn't really felt appreciated or focused on my abilities, good luck to all applicants, always have an real life example at hand and prepare yourself to be working a lot

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