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2 Resourceful Humans Mitarbeiter haben auf kununu bereits für Gehaltstransparenz gesorgt. Finde heraus, wie viel du bei Resourceful Humans verdienen kannst.

    Gehälter bei Resourceful Humans GmbH

    Unternehmer:inBerlin79.000 €

    Kommentare zum Gehalt aus unseren Bewertungen

    Hier sind die neuesten Kommentare zum Thema Gehalt aus unseren Arbeitgeberbewertungen.

    Gehalt/SozialleistungenAngestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

    We are on an average Berlin basis. So not your get rich quickly destination. At the same time, salaries are adjusted regularly based on performance and contributions and always paid on time

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    Peer to peer determined bonus.
    5.000€ one time payment for birth of a child.
    Child care support.

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    Gehalt/SozialleistungenEx-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

    Employees are underpaid, Bonussystem is a joke. Payment is mostly on time, depends on the stress level

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    Yeah, in terms of pure salary we are on a normal Berlin level. Don't come here to get rich short-term. We are self-funded and teams are responsible to set their own salaries based on the loot that's there. We also have a peer-distributed bonus system called staRHs. Basically your peers can award you stars from a limited weekly currency along with positive feedback for contributions of yours they valued. The stars are transparently shared so it's checks and balances. At the end of a quarter your stars are converted into a bonus amount, depending on how successful we were as a Company. It's all transparent and fair. No managers whose a** you have to kiss. Just do a great job. It honestly works. We have bonuses for having babies and consider our Culture part of the total compensation. How much would you pay to work in a place where YOU set the rules and love to come to work (or not)...

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    Häufig gestellte Fragen

    • Basierend auf 2 Gehaltsangaben beträgt das Gehalt bei Resourceful Humans GmbH für die Position „Unternehmer:in“ 26.700 € bis 131.200 €. Die Gehaltszufriedenheit liegt bei 4.6 von 5 und damit 24% über dem Branchendurchschnitt.
    • 88% bewerten ihr Gehalt als gut oder sehr gut (basierend auf 8 Bewertungen).