Let's make work better.

RIO - The Logistics Flow (TB Digital Services GmbH) Logo

als Arbeitgeber

Wie ist es, hier zu arbeiten?

kununu Score26 Bewertungen
WeiterempfehlungLetzte 2 Jahre
Details anzeigen


    • 4,3Gehalt/Sozialleistungen
    • 3,9Image
    • 3,7Karriere/Weiterbildung
    • 4,4Arbeitsatmosphäre
    • 3,7Kommunikation
    • 4,5Kollegenzusammenhalt
    • 4,4Work-Life-Balance
    • 3,8Vorgesetztenverhalten
    • 4,4Interessante Aufgaben
    • 4,6Arbeitsbedingungen
    • 4,0Umwelt-/Sozialbewusstsein
    • 4,6Gleichberechtigung
    • 4,6Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



Wieviel kann ich verdienen?

Mittelwert Bruttojahresgehalt Vollzeit
HR-Manager:in4 Gehaltsangaben
Ø76.900 €
Softwareentwickler:in4 Gehaltsangaben
Ø78.000 €
Product Owner:in3 Gehaltsangaben
Ø97.300 €
Gehälter für 4 Jobs entdecken


RIO - The Logistics Flow (TB Digital Services )
Branchendurchschnitt: Forschung/Entwicklung

Mitarbeiter nehmen bei diesem Arbeitgeber vor allem diese Faktoren wahr: Kollegen helfen und Mitarbeitern Freiräume geben.

Die vier Dimensionen von Unternehmenskultur

JobFür mich
RIO - The Logistics Flow (TB Digital Services )
Branchendurchschnitt: Forschung/Entwicklung
Unternehmenskultur entdecken

Better Logistics Create A Better World.

Wer wir sind

At RIO, we're on a mission to transform the logistics industry by making the entire value chain more transparent and sustainable. We achieve this by networking all parties involved through our powerful platform, so that they only need to come together in one place - with us.

Our digital services are designed to meet the needs of transport companies and shippers alike, and are developed in-house or offered through our trusted partners. And with no contract periods, our services can be booked and unbooked on a daily basis, making it easier for small fleets to enter the world of digital logistics.

We are committed to making a real difference, one innovative solution at a time - are you, too?

Produkte, Services, Leistungen

RIO offers a range of digital services and solutions for trucks, vans, and buses, independent of the specific vehicle brand.

Our cloud-based marketplace consolidates services for fleet managers, freight forwarders, and vehicle rental companies, interconnecting all parties involved in the supply chain management on a single platform.

Our digital services cover a wide variety of quality assurance requirements within the transport and logistics sector. From GPS tracking of freight to geofencing for delivery accounting, vehicle maintenance, and driving time monitoring for optimized route planning, our solutions are designed to help fleet administrators and freight forwarders improve their business strategies.



Social Media

Was wir bieten


Die folgenden Benefits wurden am häufigsten in den Bewertungen von 20 Mitarbeitern bestätigt.

  • KantineKantine
  • Flexible ArbeitszeitenFlexible Arbeitszeiten
  • Betriebliche AltersvorsorgeBetriebliche Altersvorsorge
  • InternetnutzungInternetnutzung
  • DiensthandyDiensthandy
  • RabatteRabatte
  • HomeofficeHomeoffice
  • Gute VerkehrsanbindungGute Verkehrsanbindung
  • Mitarbeiter-EventsMitarbeiter-Events
  • BetriebsarztBetriebsarzt
  • Gesundheits-MaßnahmenGesundheits-Maßnahmen
  • BarrierefreiBarrierefrei
  • EssenszulageEssenszulage
  • ParkplatzParkplatz
  • CoachingCoaching
  • Hund erlaubtHund erlaubt
  • FirmenwagenFirmenwagen
  • Mitarbeiter-BeteiligungMitarbeiter-Beteiligung

Was RIO - The Logistics Flow (TB Digital Services GmbH) über Benefits sagt

  • Job Security: We are backed by the IG Metall tariff contract system.
  • Flexible work location: With our RIOFlex model, it is possible to work up to 100% from home or even pursue your job for some time from abroad in the EU. Since team cohesion is very important to us, we prefer onboarding and events in onsite mode and want teams to meet face-to-face 2 days per month.
  • Flexible working hours: Work-life balance is not just a fancy buzzword for us, but a central part of our terms and conditions - that's why you can schedule your work independently in trust working hours.
  • Company pension plan: Get the opportunity to invest in your future with our employer-financed company pension plan!
  • 30 days of vacation: In standard mode, you have 30 vacation days per year at your disposal - depending on your contractual arrangements, you even have the option of up to 16 vacation days on top!
  • International Team: We love and live diversity - and are proud to continuously increase the diversity of perspectives within the company. English as the company language is a matter of course here.
  • Lifelong learning: Your personal and professional development is close to our heart - here we encourage and challenge you with an annual training budget and individually bookable language courses. Also, every employee receives a LinkedIn Learning licence from day 1!
  • Team events: Look forward to regular team events (e.g. Bavarian breakfast, barbecue) on our panoramic roof terrace in the Parkstadt Schwabing!
  • Free choice of hardware: Decide for yourself whether you prefer to work with Windows or macOS - we will take care of the hardware of your choice.
  • Corporate Benefits: Benefit from our company-wide Corporate Benefits Program, which provides you with attractive offers from renowned providers in the areas of technology, travel, fashion, living and much more.
  • "State-of-the-art" office concept: We enable collaborative work through various room settings, workshop areas and our modern kitchen (with Visacrem coffee machine ;-)). For the best possible work mode, each table is also height-adjustable and equipped with a curved monitor.

Was macht es besonders, für uns zu arbeiten?

At RIO we are proud to offer an exceptional flexible working model that allows our employees to work remotely up to 100% of the time. We trust our employees to manage their own time and deliver exceptional results - without sacrificing their work-life balance.

What makes us really special is our team spirit. Our employees consistently rate our team culture as one of the best things about working here. We foster a collaborative and supportive environment, where everyone has a voice and their ideas are valued. Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose are the pillars that guide us in our daily work.

And the best part? We're doing something with impact. We're not just another tech company - we're working to make the world a better place, one project at a time. Our work is making a real difference, and that's what gets us out of bed in the morning.

Join us in being part of something bigger.

Wen wir suchen


As a leading software company, we're always on the lookout for talented software engineers (f/m/d) to join our team. If you're a coding enthusiast with a passion for innovation, problem-solving, and a keen eye for detail, then we want to hear from you!

But we're not just looking for software engineers. At times, we also have other exciting job opportunities available in areas such as Finance, Sales, Marketing, Agile Mastery or Product Management. If you're a team player with a can-do attitude, and you're looking to work for a company that values diversity, inclusivity, and excellence, then we encourage you to explore our current job openings.

So - whether you're experienced in software engineering or someone looking to jumpstart their career, we welcome you to join our RIO family and be part of our exciting journey!

Gesuchte Qualifikationen

Do you crave an environment that fosters growth, encourages creativity, and inspires excellence? Then look no further! RIO is searching for individuals who embody our RIO Principles:

1) Customer Obsession - You start with the customer and work backwards. You put yourself in the customer's shoes, understand their needs and implement solutions accordingly. You work hard to earn and keep customer trust.

2) Disagree & Commit - You respectfully challenge decisions when you disagree, even if it's uncomfortable or exhausting. You have conviction and are tenacious. You do not compromise for the sake of social cohesion. Once a decision is made you commit fully.

3) Founder's Mentality - You act as if RIO is your company and push our initiatives as far as possible although we have corporate boundaries. RIO FIRST, Team second, your position third. Your never say, "That's not my job". You make bold decisions and stick to them. You think long term, invest sustainably and are resourceful.

4) Results Delivery - You are here to make an impact by creating happy customers, profitability and scaling revenues in the long term. You are happy to develop relevant KPIs and to act on them. You stop things that don't create value for RIO and act on the principle of "Stop starting, start finishing". You value progress over perfection as speed matters. You have a sense of where a high-quality level is required and where 80/20 is sufficient. You "Copy with pride" when it makes sense.

5) Continuous Improvement - You promote continuous improvement in the company. Through feedback and transparent handling of mistakes, you improve your results iteratively (build-measure-learn) and strive for reduction of waste. You see learning and development as a continuous process for success. You are curious about new opportunities and act to explore them. You welcome and deal with feedback openly and constructively, seeing it as a gift.

You can see yourself living our principles on a daily base? Then what are you waiting for - become our next RIO!

Für Bewerber

Hilfreiche Informationen zum Bewerbungsprozess bei RIO - The Logistics Flow (TB Digital Services GmbH).

  • Isabel Ramos
    People & Operations Specialist


  • At RIO we value authenticity and honesty above all else. We believe that the best way to build a strong and productive team is to encourage everyone to be their natural, authentic selves.

    That's why we want our possible future RIOs to feel comfortable being themselves during the interview process, and to be honest about their strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. We're looking for individuals who are willing to share their experiences, ideas, and perspectives with us, and who are committed to building a culture of transparency and open communication.

  • Before applying, we encourage you to learn more about RIO and our mission. Take the time to research our goals, products, and culture, and consider how you could contribute to our team. We're looking for individuals who are not only qualified for the role, but also passionate about our mission and excited about the opportunity to help us achieve our goals.

    Also - remember, first impressions matter. Be sure to present yourself in the best possible light. In case of an interview, pay attention to details like video quality, sound, and overall presentation - this will demonstrate your professionalism and commitment to the role.

    We can't wait to hear from you and learn more about how you could help us achieve our mission.

  • Ready to join our superhero team?

    In our recruiting process, we want to find out if your path fits ours: Your mindset, your skillset, but most of all your enthusiasm for RIO! We are already looking forward to accompanying you through our individual steps.

    We expect a meaningful and complete CV as application documents. In addition, we would be pleased to receive your period of notice and your salary expectations. A letter of motivation would round off your application perfectly - but is not necessary.

    #1 Phone interview (approx. 30-45min): In a short phone / Teams call we would like to clarify mutual expectations and find out what experience you bring to our position and whether we can generally imagine a collaboration.

    #2 Coding Challenge - Tech Position (approx. 2h): You will work on our Coding Challenge live - here you can convince your future team of your skill level!

    #3 Onsite Session (can also take place remotely :-)) (ca. 2-4h):

    a. Onsite Session - Tech Position: Dive into your potential workday, look over your team's shoulder and exchange ideas with future peers.

    b. Onsite Session - Non-Tech Position: convince your future team of your skills (e.g. in a case study/presentation) and get to know your key contacts at RIO.

    #4 HR Interview (approx. 1h). In the interview with our HR Manager we would like to get to know you as a person, learn how you act in a team, how you deal with challenges and how well you assess yourself. In the second part of the interview, our HR Manager will introduce you to our conditions and benefits.

    #5 Culture Check (approx. 30min): The final stage is especially important to our CEO - here you have the opportunity to ask him questions about RIO and he has the chance to get to know YOU and why YOU are the perfect match for RIO!

    #6 Contract offer: If all thumbs are pointing up, you will receive our contract offer at the latest one working day after the Culture Check. After that - it's up to you!


Was Mitarbeiter sagen

Was Mitarbeiter gut finden

Flat hierarchies, no silos, straight forward communication, unwaveringly committed to keep the agile startup spirit.
Great state of the art technology stack and the right mindset to keep that for the future. Gives software developers the tools, the environment and the necessary amount of freedom to get better day by day.
Last but not least RIO has proven to be a responsible and caring company especially in times of corona.
Bewertung lesen
Teamevents 1-2 pro Jahr mit Aufmerksamkeiten und Wertschätzung für Mitarbeiter
Bewertung lesen
Trotz vieler Rahmenbedingungen ist die Atmosphäre und der Mitarbeiterzusammenhalt die Vision umzusetzen sehr gut.
Verantwortungsvolle Tätigkeiten, gute Bezahlung, flexible Arbeitszeiten, moderne Arbeitsweise
Was Mitarbeiter noch gut finden?

Was Mitarbeiter schlecht finden

Sometimes a bit struggling making to make straight forward strategic decisions, but its getting better.
Bewertung lesen
langfristiger roter Faden in der Unternehmensstrategie fehlt
Bewertung lesen
Ich finde einige Prozesse und Rahmenbedingungen nicht gut und passend für einen digitalen software Bereich.
Hoher Druck, teilweise unstrukturiert, hohes Wachstum, dadurch große Fluktuation
Was Mitarbeiter noch schlecht finden?


- Karrierepfade für alle Mitarbeiter
- Konkrete Vision und Story, was die Firma tut
Bewertung lesen
RIO sollte den agilen Weg konsequenter weiter gehen.
Was Mitarbeiter noch vorschlagen?

Bester und schlechtester Faktor

Am besten bewertet: Arbeitsbedingungen


Der am besten bewertete Faktor von RIO - The Logistics Flow (TB Digital Services ) ist Arbeitsbedingungen mit 4,6 Punkten (basierend auf 3 Bewertungen).

Modernes Office mit Team Räumen, Open Space und vielen verschiedenen Meeting Räumen von klein bis Groß. Curved Bildschirme und höhenverstellbare Tischen für alle. Choose your own device beim Onboarding
Bewertung lesen
Extrem modernes Office im Herzen Schwabings (Parkstadt Schwabing) mit neuesten Technologien (große Curved-Monitore und höhenverstellbare Tische an jedem Arbeitsplatz, Buchungssystem via App für freie Plätze) und Ausblick über München von der Dachterrasse
Bewertung lesen
Choose your own device, jeder bekommt was er zum Arbeiten benötigt. Sei es Technik Computer Mobiltelefone oder anderes. Angenehme Schreibtisch Atmosphäre mitten in München alle Kollegen aller Abteilungen sitzen zusammen.
Was Mitarbeiter noch über Arbeitsbedingungen sagen?

Am schlechtesten bewertet: Karriere/Weiterbildung


Der am schlechtesten bewertete Faktor von RIO - The Logistics Flow (TB Digital Services ) ist Karriere/Weiterbildung mit 3,7 Punkten (basierend auf 5 Bewertungen).

Weiterbildung wird unterstützt, muss vom Mitarbeiter aber sehr eigenverantwortlich angestoßen werden
Karriereentwicklung schwierig und überhaupt nicht proaktiv
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Aktuell eher schwierige Karriere Gestaltungen. Weiterbildungen möglich und gewünscht
Bewertung lesen
Aufgrund der flachen Hierarchie weniger Aufstiegs Chancen. Schlüsselpositionen sind besetzt es werden vorrangig Leute gesucht die umsetzen.
Was Mitarbeiter noch über Karriere/Weiterbildung sagen?

Fragen zu Bewertungen und Gehältern

  • RIO - The Logistics Flow (TB Digital Services ) wird als Arbeitgeber von Mitarbeitenden mit durchschnittlich 4,1 von 5 Punkten bewertet. In der Branche Forschung/Entwicklung schneidet RIO - The Logistics Flow (TB Digital Services ) besser ab als der Durchschnitt (3,6 Punkte). Basierend auf den Bewertungen der letzten 2 Jahre würden 100% der Mitarbeitenden RIO - The Logistics Flow (TB Digital Services ) als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
  • Anhand von insgesamt 26 Bewertungen schätzen 85% ihr Gehalt und die Sozialleistungen als gut oder sehr gut ein.
  • Basierend auf Daten aus 8 Kultur-Bewertungen betrachten die Mitarbeitenden die Unternehmenskultur bei RIO - The Logistics Flow (TB Digital Services ) als eher modern.