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Bad place to work!

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei rpc - The Retail Performance Company in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

HR tries to find benefits for the employees (yoga, cereals)
Apple products for working
Possibility of a company car after the probation period

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

If you try to approach HR with internal problems. They are constantly searching for excuses and just tell the employee to solve it by themselves.
Unfair distribution of external training spots.
Termination of the contract and being honest about the work culture has a negative impact on your bonus payment as you are not integer towards the company.
Lack of internal role models for young employees to learn from.
Promises about promotions and salary are often broken.
Bonus payments and salary increases are sometimes communicated to other team members by the supervisor.
Try to decrease costs wherever they can and try to justify it with environmental friendliness.
Workplace is not furnished according to German labor law. You can feel happy if you find a chair on Fridays.
You are forced to be thankful spending your weekend on a global conference without getting these days reimbursed.


Replacement of middle management and HR.
Better and more equipped workplaces.


Internal working atmosphere is toxic. Inhuman dog-eat-dog society where every employee is only focused on his/her own target achievements. Colleagues you can completely trust are unfortunately rare. The helpful and supportive colleagues are not valued or supported by the management. The company is strongly hierarchical. Even though the doors are always open, the mentality is not lived.
Project atmosphere depends on the specific projects and external coworkers.


There is a lack of internal communication. Everybody else knows first which project you will be staffed on before your line manager approaches you. Contract terminations are communicated directly via WhatsApp group. There are a lot of gossip and trash talks.


Depends on the colleagues in the team. Huge range from super good collaboration to disruptive.


There is a huge range from being bored to work on the weekends and all night long. Unfortunately always the same employees are staffed more than 100% on a project. If you complain about your workload, they pay a bonus to not change anything in the bad planning and make you silent. The lucky once are constantly at home office because they are bored.


Depending on the supervisor it is a huge range from supportive to disrespectful and harassing. Time and being a bootlicker let‘s you become a line manager even though you are lacking leadership skills and knowledge in the specific area. Lacking knowledge leads to absolute control and harassing of the employees to mitigate the knowledge issue.

Interessante Aufgaben

Tasks depend on the project. Once you are qualified for doing a boring task good, you are stuck with this boring task for ever even though you got promised to do other projects. In that case you can be happy to get an interesting project on top of your already sufficient workload. Favorite employees get the good projects.


Fighting for seats on fridays.


Below average. There is always a reason to lower your bonus payment.


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen






Employer Branding Team
Employer Branding Team

Error 404 – Employer comment not found due to fired HR. Just kidding, we are still here.

Dear former colleague,

How regrettable your experience at rpc was! Again, impressions are very subjective, so we are not going to argue against any of your opinions. We simply hope that you are much cheerier and more motivated at your new job.

Apart from opinions, here are some facts in regards to your points:
- As today is Friday, I had a quick stroll through the office and counted 14 free seats, excluding the kitchen and outside seating areas as well as the meeting rooms and, obviously, the option to work from home.
- We empower our people to address challenges frankly and on the spot (by the way, one of our rpc people values). We in HR do not believe that handling issues on behalf of employees is the right approach. This does not mean that we are not always willing to mediate as a third party and won’t have an open ear for all sorts of small and big issues.
- The German Occupational Safety and Health Act (“ArbSchG”) is part of our Code of Conduct. We have an active health management and only had another health professional from ESG (Institute for Nutrition) speak at rpc on 27th June. Further, the next emergency responder training is scheduled for October 17th, only to name two initiatives.
- On our intranet you can book most trainings without anybody’s approval. For specific training (e.g. tool certifications), we have one whole resource managing the selection of training spots depending on project needs and in consultation with team and project leads.
- True – rarely are strategic projects given to employees on a junior level. Consulting methodology and learning how to deal with clients on projects are fundamental and hence come first.
- True – we are making an effort to decrease our environmental footprint as a company. If that saves us some money, then that’s just splendid.
- A whole motivated and creative events team spends months and a little fortune to reward and motivate employees by for instance taking them to a Croatian island like this summer. We do empathize with you that this might not be for everybody and will indeed take action to make attendance more voluntary.

Again, best of luck to you for your future professional path!

Best regards, your

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