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Work for the planet

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei TOMRA Sorting GmbH in Mülheim-Kärlich gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The IT equipment and the extra benefits for employees.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The rapid growth and overloaded lunch canteen.


Try to reach a stable work environment.


The working environment is now absolutely damaged due to the daily work load. We live in continously change process for long time. People are coming and leaving frequently. Many new colleagues from foreign countries bring different cultural impacts.


Communication is on a regular basis and very often overrunning us.


All colleagues try to be friendly and professional. Everybody is looking for his/ her own success.


Everybody has vacation days to spare due to the work load. The situation is getting worse, but overall balance is okay. Too much peer pressure for team activities.


They are apart from the daily work business and focusing on strategy. They show careful and smooth behaviour, but time is missing overall. They very often design everything according their preferences.

Interessante Aufgaben

I can't influence something and get swamped with requests.


Diversity yes

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Mainly young professionals are hired. An university degree is the best application and they say it counts more than everything else.


New equipment and rooms are available, but many small things are missing or not usable, like software tools or functions.


It is standard, that waste is collected and sorted by material. The company fulfills minimum requirements.


New hired professionals have higher salary than existing employees and it requires compensation, but the company is really generous with that.


We work for the planet


Career building is not possible or you have good relationship within the company. An E-learning program has started for improving the professionel skills. Many new colleagues come from foreign countries and receive an language course.



Tomra Sorting GmbHPersonalabteilung

Hello unknown, yes, we work for the planet and as fast as the world and our environment is changing, we have to be as fast. And you're right, that's tricky and one of our biggest challenges at the moment. We are growing immensely which is fantastic on the one hand as it gives our employees a secure and stable job that is not something that can be taken for granted at the moment and it shows that our purpose and why we work is so important to all of us. But on the other hand it means a high degree of flexibility for all of us. We are constantly hiring new employees to support all departments and to handle any requests we receive, we constantly support our staff and managers with training and programs so that we can best manage the growth and meet any needs. Of course, we're not always successful and we don't always have the right answer for everything. For this reason, we regularly ask our employees to let us know what and how we need to change things in order to improve. We invite everyone to raise their voice and express themselves, either in our town hall meetings, where anyone can ask or comment anything, also anonymously, or we organize regular individual contact with our employees to understand the different needs. But that also needs two sides. You can't dance a tango alone. So I would like to invite you to speak to one of our colleagues on our People team to get a better understanding of what needs to change and how you can support that as well. You can always influence something, but it is not always easy.

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