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Not bad but not the dream employer the management thinks it is

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei umlaut communications GmbH in Aachen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Working spirit & colleagues, interesting projects, technical development opportunities

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Salary and benefits


Learn how the salary and fringe benefit rules really are in the industry.....


Good atmosphere, low hierarchies


Management is approachable and communicates openly yet sometimes the self-marketing is a bit too much


Young team and good spirit (even during COVID times)


It‘s a consulting company, so sometimes WLB is good, sometimes bad


Mostly good

Interessante Aufgaben

Really learn a lot and like the projects


Good from what I can see

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Good from what I can see


Company is growing and working conditions in the office suffer from this. At the moment many colleagues are in HO but when they are all in, the office is way too small, not enough working places available, no space for a little privacy, no height adjustable desks, no docking stations for laptops, noisy atmosphere - all in all in best case mediocre conditions, maybe worse


For us youngsters salary is low, fringe benefits are below average but management can’t stop talking about how great the benefits are. One example: Management is proud to sponsor a smartphone with 350 Euros - in my friend‘s company everyone gets an iPhones completely paid by the company and I think that‘s the way it should be. The phone is a tool for work! And my friend gets 30 days vacation plus bridge days, we have only 28 and need to take vacation for bridge days


Quite good, customers like us and give good feedback


Here the management story holds: Projects are mostly interesting and I can develop my skills. I even got my first project as project manager already. There are internal courses in which senior guys share their experiences and give lectures on technical things. And because umlaut has several branches I can always find courses which allow me to look out of my technical expertise and learn and discover something new. Nice!
