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HR assessment is VERY bad

Bewerber/inHat sich 2019 bei Volkswagen in Wolfsburg als Data Analytics beworben und eine Absage erhalten.


I just had a very bad experience with the assessment. It’s not because I “failed”, it is what I was told WHY I failed. So everything was fine, but the answer to a subquestiom was not good enough (btw objectively it was good enough, maybe it wasn’t perfect). Also I was not innovative enough, although it was not said anywhere that I should be a futuristic dreamer. And that’s it - because of these two (subjective) points I was out. And these exercises had anyway nothing to do with my potential engagement.. just unbelievable. Advice: if you want to stick to two presentations model for the assessment day, at least make sure HR (and anyone from the business) does it correctly and in line with the role requirements.

Zufriedenstellende Reaktion

Schnelle Antwort

Erwartbarkeit des Prozesses

Professionalität des Gesprächs

Vollständigkeit der Infos

Angenehme Atmosphäre

Wertschätzende Behandlung

Zufriedenstellende Antworten

Erklärung der weiteren Schritte

Zeitgerechte Zu- oder Absage



Volkswagen Karriere-Team
Volkswagen Karriere-Team

Dear applicant,
Thank you very much for your rating!

We regret that you could not understand our feedback as we try to provide each candidate with a differentiated and well-grounded feedback on the selection process.
We have a transparent selection procedure in which quality standards are assured, e.g. variety of methods or the involvement of several observers. The evaluation of our candidates is based on clearly defined criteria of our Volkswagen Group Requirement Profile.

We wish you all the best,
