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A regrettable waste of time

Bewerber/inHat sich 2019 bei CGI in Braunschweig als Software Architect beworben und sich schließlich selbst anders entschieden.


Please tune your internal processes


  • Your approach to solving problems, structuring work. General and open-ended questions. One of the interviewers felt compelled to interrupt me half through each sentence and impose her own answers on the questions the other interviewer asked me.
  • Relevant past experience, why do you want to join us (that one they asked over and over again, like they couldn't believe I wanted to work with them), would you feel comfortable here.
  • I started writing a long text but hit a length limit. The short version: Friendly HR , but messed up process. Supposedly the entire interview process would be one HR screen call and one on-site interview; they made me go through one on-site, a remote technical one and a remote negotiation. Technical interview: downright hostile interviewers with a strong programmer's mindset (reminder: the position was about a software architect), bad product market overview, indoctrinated opinions, little industry experience, virtually no management experience. Second interview is remote case study: I do my thing, there are no questions - just the hostile interviewer from part one not heaving understood their own requirements and giving me sass for it. The manager's boss is also in the interview because he doesn't trust his people to do their own hiring. If there ever was a bigger red flag, that one is it. End of the day, the manager's boss calls me trying to poach me: he got a "much" better job offer which he'd be delighted to discuss with me. At this point I'm fed up with their mess and turn him down.

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