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224 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern

kununu Score: 4,7Weiterempfehlung: 95%

224 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

205 Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihren Bewertungen weiterempfohlen. Der Arbeitgeber wurde in 10 Bewertungen nicht weiterempfohlen.

Authentische Bewertungen für eine bessere Arbeitswelt

Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.

Not all that glitters is gold...

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Netlight Consulting in Berlin gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Salary
- Really nice "junior" colleagues

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Not as transparent and open as they sell themselves
- Very young management/leadership that is sometimes a bit unprofessional (both internally and externally)
- Bullying or people talking badly behind your back if you do not fit the "Netlight image"
- A bit old school, so remote work and home office is often frowned upon.


- Trainings for Managers/Leadership
- Practice what you preach or just don't preach as much, it's ok!
- DEI is great, make sure it's a thing in EVERY office... It shouldn't just be a buzzword for some.
- Incentivise good and hard work... where it matters!


In the office in which I work, i find that the environment is extremely toxic and has progressively gotten worse since the beginning of 2023. Although flat hierarchy is being preached, it is quite authoritarian. Employees are worried about speaking their truth in fear of repercussions (including being let go). There have been multiple attempts to reach parter level or speak with HR, unfortunately with no success.


No one knows Netlight in the city I am in. It is also by far known as one of the top (Tech) Consulting companies. Maybe it's better in some of the other cities.


There are a lot of events, but the events can be very fun! Depending on what type of role you have, it is important that you join the events. They are usually after working hours, and you will not be compensated for the time you spend there. Again, this is something that Netlight promises you, but doesn't really happen...


If you play the game, go to a lot of events, organize a lot of events, and if you're lucky to have a mentor that actually cares about you - you'll be fine! :)


Train first, vegetarian only


You will find amazing colleagues and dare I say, even friends at Netlight. There is quite a rift between managers and "the rest", but "the rest" are some of the best people I've ever worked with. Unfortunately, the managers do not really live up to what Netlight sells (flat hierarchy, feedback culture, transparent communication). It can be dangerous to actually share ideas and point out improvement points as you may be bullied out!

What i want to positively highlight, is that people are generally very helpful, and this goes beyond your office. People are eager to lend a hand, but also eager to learn from one another!


Netlight is a very young company, so management and leadership are quite young. Netlight also does not hire anyone that is "too old" (it's a bit ageist), so only people who are fresh from university or young professionals. The reason for this is because it is difficult to "shape" them to align with the Netlight culture. This means that management and leadership have only work experience from Netlight, which is very unfortunate as I believe Netlight could benefit a lot from fresh perspectives and experiences that senior professionals from other companies could bring. Management and Leadership do not have trainings, I'm not quite sure how they get their qualifications to become managers...


Also something that is sold very well in the interview stages, but falls very short. It seems that whatever is good and can boost morale and image will be communicated, the rest is best kept under the rug. When discussing more difficult topics like office culture or intransparent feedback, you are advised to "not open the can of worms".


DEI is a very important topic at Netlight, but it is a lot more prominent in the bigger offices. In a small office, like the one I am in, managers are not aware of certain initiatives and do not care to attend workshops/trainings. Please don't make DEI a marketing hack.

Interessante Aufgaben

Netlight is not really a consulting company, but rather a body leasing company. The sales approach is not very professional and efficient in the office in which I work, which leads to not many projects and/or projects that are really not very interesting for people who graduate with a masters degree in computer science. Netlight only hires people with a masters degree in computer science or similar, but the projects that they acquire do not reflect who they hire. The client landscape is not very broad in the office that I am in. In addition, it is difficult to have a say on what you do or do not want to do. There is a lot of pressure to take on projects and prolongations in order to make money for Netlight. If you speak up about the lack of interesting projects, you will be iced out and will be told that you are "not a good Netlighter". Please note every office is different!


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen


1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich2Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen

A consultant company that values it's employees more than the quick money.

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei Netlight Consulting in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I like my colleagues, the spirit and the get-togethers at the office and outside of it.


Every half year, one gets to give and receive feedback from colleagues to get better in hers or his areas of work - pretty great since everybody is honest to each other and really wants to help you improve.


My colleagues like to work at Netlight and one sees this when talking to them. Furthermore, the clients we have like to work with us which can be seen in long-running projects and a happy customer one loves to go to in the morning.


You only work the hours you have in your contract at the client. So normally no overtime at the client. The thing you take extra hours for is stuff at the Netlight office - presentations, meetings and so on. That's on top of your regular work-time but it's up to you on how you participate in Netlight events. Vacation is something that must be coordinated with both your client and Netlight, but that's normal for consulting businesses.


Time for further education besides internal events is something Netlight can work on, since one does not get a "budget" for yearly conferences/workshops/etc that can be visited externally and what you can see in other companies. Leveling inside the company has rules that apply to everybody and one gets clear information on why you did not level inside of Netlight and what needs to be done to make this happen. This is very open and transparent from what I experienced so far. Nobody has to negotiate terms, it's a common salary that is divided in different steps that one can reach/be in.


Having a multi-national company not all decisions might be influenced by you but somebody will have taken part in the decision making. A lot of other things are discussed with everyone who likes to get into those processes, resulting in a environment that you were able to actively shape.


This highly depends on the client you're working on.


Communication is key and so it's a big part of Netlight. We get information on what is going on and


The salary is good and it's on my bank account punctually.


That's one of the core values of Netlight. They are always trying to get everyone on board, regardless of gender or anything else.

Interessante Aufgaben

Being a consultancy, it's not always easy to get your dream assignment - but everybody tries to get you as close to it as possible. Maybe you won't get it in the first assignment, but they sure try to improve your challenges.




Immer spannende Herausforderungen mit freundschaftlicher Kultur

FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei Netlight Consulting in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Entrepreneurship wird stark gefördert und geschätzt.


Wenn ich Verbesserungsvorschläge habe, treffen diese bei Netlight immer auf ein offenes Ohr.


Natürlich kann es je nach Projektphase ein bisschen steigt werden, aber man wird dann auch ermutigt Überstunden in kommenden eigene


Durch die spannenden Projekt Herausforderungen ermöglicht Netlight eine kontinuierlich steile Weiterentwicklung.


Sehr starkes Bewusstsein mit Veggie-First und Train-First Richtlinien. Außerdem ein starkes Engagement in Pro Bono Projekten.


Mit jedem meiner Kollegen verbringe ich gerne auch meine Freizeit


Sehr starke DEI Initiative!




Umgang mit älteren Kollegen




Interessante Aufgaben


Crafting Impact: Consulting Excellence and Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei Netlight Consulting GmbH in München gearbeitet.


Trust-first environment with open-door policy and senior support fosters collaboration and growth.


it can be tough, because there is so much to do here. But you choose your pace. And i am not talking about the basics like vacations plans, family etc. those are given. But more about all the fun and interesting activities that are happening. Sometimes it's hard to say no to them ;)


you are in charge. For me this is a 5, but definitely it's also tough sometimes to define and pursue your path. You get the support you want for sure, but you need the drive to push it through yourself


climate first, train first, veggie first, partnerships with climate organization just to name a few


There will always be a partner in crime for whatever it might be: Feedback, a tough project challenge, a podcast you want to get going, an event you want organize, the book you wanted to read together with peers...

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Netlighters are driven by equity and inclusion on all levels, not only when it comes to age.


Leaders lead by example, offering active mentoring and guidance without the bias on "how somebody should be" but with an open-mind for diverse career paths and passions. Everyone works towards the common goal of a successful Netlight and its clients.


we recently moved to an even nicer office. A beautiful place to work and spend time.


We are working on it with a lot of passion. I don't think that there is any company at a 5 those days, so it would be insane to claim it here.

Interessante Aufgaben

As a consultant you are encouraged to challenge yourself with new roles and tasks and shall not be restricted to defined deliveries





Consulting done right, good energy and great colleagues

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Netlight Consulting GmbH in München gearbeitet.


Everyone is friendly and supportive. The company is on average on the younger side of the spectra, which brings energy into it.


Cool and good vibes in the company. Think this is one of the strengths.


A lot up to you, it is easy to spend more time than what you need to so gotta be careful. No travelling really required or so.


A bit up to you, but there is a lot of growth opportunity with all different client assignments as well as internal initiatives. It comes down to what you are interested in.


Never complained on salary compared to work effort.


We are donating money every year to organisations that work for good causes instead of christmas gifting. On top of that we collaborate with some of the world's top NGOs to co-develop new digital products to help them.


A lot of colleagues has found friends for life in the company. No sharp elbows in my experience, but rather the opposite.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Not so much older colleagues that are being employed new to the company, but the ones that has been with the company for a long time enjoy a good status in it.


Very good relationship with my mentor.


New office, always updated tech equipment depending whether you are developer or management consultant.


Communication often happens de-centralised and as such, this can create the feeling of randomness. On the other hand bigger themes and strategic directions are clearly communicated across the full company and your mentors.


Got external auditing for DEI topics, and good rating. With that said there is also management attention on how to improve even further.

Interessante Aufgaben

Always have had a lot of different cool assignments.


Authentischer Arbeitgeber mit großem Fokus auf die persönliche Entwicklung der Mitarbeiter

FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei Netlight Consulting in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Fokus auf die individuelle Person. Jeder Mensch ist anders und das wird hier auch so verstanden. Man formt seinen Weg bei Netlight selbst und ist selbst dafür verantwortlich, was man daraus macht!
- Guter Zusammenhalt, viel Unterstützung. Egal zu welchem Thema, man findet intern immer jemanden, mit dem/der man sich unterhalten kann und Hilfe erhält.
- Offene Kultur. Jede Person ist nur eine Slack-Nachricht entfernt, man muss ihr nur schreiben (und erhält sicher eine nette Antwort zurück)


Ein klarerer Interview-Prozess. Eine Einladung zum Kaffee sollte nicht als "verstecktes" Interview missverstanden werden. Auch wenn das den Einstieg sehr viel entspannter macht, könnte das von Kandidaten missverstanden werden.


Sehr offene und willkommenheißende Arbeitsatmosphäre. Die Kollegen sind sehr freundlich und interessiert. Feedback wird hier groß geschrieben, sei es in geschriebener Form oder einfach direkt über einen Kaffee.


Netlight ist genau so wie es sich nach außen gibt. Ein junges, hippes Unternehmen, welches versucht coole Projekte bei Unternehmen aufzubauen. Es ist sich gegenüber auch ehrlich, dass das vielleicht nicht immer klappt und manche Projekte mehr "Standard" Software-Entwicklung sind, aber auch das wird offen kommuniziert.


Die Arbeitszeiten halten sich im 40-Stunden pro Woche Rahmen. Selten kann es stressige Zeiten auf dem Projekt geben, aber es wird darauf geachtet, dass man dann in den weniger stressigen Zeiten auch entsprechend weniger arbeitet um auf die 40-Stunden wieder zu kommen.
Am Ende ist vieles Eigenverantwortung, da die Stunden zwar reported werden müssen, dies aber vor allem zum Billing verwendet wird und nicht zur Kontrolle der Mitarbeiter.
Bisher konnte ich meinen Urlaub immer genau so legen, wie ich es wollte. Dazu habe ich lediglich mit meinem Mentor und meinem Projekt abgesprochen, wann ich weg bin und das war's. Keine langen Anträge, super easy und flexibel. :)


Fokus liegt auf der Weiterentwicklung jeder einzelnen Person. Zweimal im Jahr gibt es dedizierte "Alignments", in welchen die Mitarbeiter Feedback einsammeln, reflektieren und gemeinsam mit ihren Mentoren sprechen, ob sie "leveln" oder was noch fehlt. Die Entscheidungen werden nicht im stillen Kämmerchen, sondern offen und nachvollziehbar getroffen.


Zu Beginn ist das Gehalt zwar kompetitiv im Consulting-Bereich aber als SWE bei Amazon, Google und Co. erhält man deutlich mehr. Das ist aber nur zu Beginn so. Die Gehaltsentwicklung ist bei Netlight nämlich linear und sehr transparent.
Innerhalb von drei Jahren hat sich mein Gehalt von 62.000 auf 98.000 Euro entwickelt und da haben viele meiner Freunde bei anderen Unternehmen noch immer auf der gleichen Gehaltsstufe gearbeitet wie zu Beginn ihrer Arbeit dort.

Zusätzlich bietet Netlight die Möglichkeit eines Sabbaticals an, was von vielen genutzt wird.


Train first policy -> Lieber nicht fliegen und den Zug bevorzugen. Das bedeutet auch, dass viele den Nachtzug nehmen um von A nach B zu kommen.
Veggie first policy -> Bei Firmen-Events gibt es fast kein Fleisch.

Außerdem gibt es eine Kooperation mit GoClimate, wobei jedes Commitment eines jeden Mitarbeiters mit 10€ an Spenden gesponsert wird.
Zusätzlich spendet Netlight einmal im Jahr an einen wohltätigen Zweck. 2023 wurden 100.000 Euro an das WFP Innocation Accelerator gespendet. Im Jahr davor konnten die Mitarbeiter selbst auswählen, an welche Kleinstorganisationen sie über MilkyWire spenden wollten.


Sehr ehrliche und gegenseitig unterstützende Zusammenarbeit. Man versucht sich gegenseitig zu helfen und gibt ehrliches Feedback, sodass sich der/die Gegenüber auch wirklich weiter entwickeln kann.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Netlight ist schon ein sehr junges Unternehmen. Die meisten Kolleg/innen starten nach dem Master (und wenigen Jahren Berufserfahrung) hier. Von daher ist "älter" hier relativ zu sehen.
Generell ist es so, dass je länger man dabei ist, desto integrierter ist man und langdienende Kolleg/innen werden dank ihrer Erfahrungen sehr geschätzt.


Ich habe einen Mentor, der mein erster Ansprechpartner ist für alle Fragen. Mit ihm treffe ich mich regelmäßig und wir überlegen gemeinsam, welche Kompetenzen ich entwickeln muss um meine Karriere fortzuführen.
Davon abgesehen gibt es keine wirklich hierarchische Struktur, ich unterhalte mich genauso mit Personen, die Partner sind, wie mit Personen, die vor wenigen Monaten begonnen haben.


Super Equipment, schönes Office. Es wird sehr auf Ergonomie am Arbeitsplatz geachtet mit vielen Screens und vielen Telefon-Boxen um andere nicht zu stören.


Es gibt vierteljährliche company-wide Meetings, in welchen der aktuelle Stand des Unternehmens kommuniziert werden. Außerdem kann man intern die aktuelle Utilization-Rate pro Office und auch insgesamt (also wie viele Consultants gerade auf einem Projekt sind) einsehen und erhält somit immer einen guten Eindruck, wie es gerade um die Firma steht.
Auch wenn die betriebswirtschaftliche Sicht in den Kommunikationen keine allzu große Rolle spielt, hat man das Gefühl gut informiert zu sein.
De facto ist es aber so, dass man, wenn man mehr Informationen haben möchte, sich selbst darum kümmern muss. Explizit vorbehalten werden sie aber nicht.

Interessante Aufgaben

Die Aufgaben hängen ganz vom Projekt ab. Insgesamt hat man einen großen Einfluss, auf welches Projekt man kommt, aber einmal auf dem Projekt kann es natürlich sein, dass sich die Aufgaben ändern oder man mal etwas flexibler sein muss.
Letztendlich wird ein großer Wert darauf gelegt, dass man sich in die gewollte Richtung weiterentwickelt & wenn das Projekt das nicht mehr hergibt, wird man beim Wechseln des Projektes von vielen Seiten aus unterstützt.



Sehr positive und inspirierende Umgebung!

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei Netlight Consulting in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- die positive Atmosphäre
- viele Menschen, die einem etwas beibringen wollen
- kein hire/fire approach, sondern organisches Wachstum
- Interesse, sich immer weiterzuentwickeln als Unternehmen
- man merkt viel von der schwedischen Kultur
- viele unterschiedliche Kunden unterschiedlicher Größe/Industrien
- viel Unterstützung vom Mentor/Coach
- schnelle Karriere, wenn man motiviert ist viel zu erreichen

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- wenn man klassische Hierarchien gewohnt ist und eher konservative Unternehmen mag, wird man bei Netlight sich eher schwer zurecht finden


Man muss sich dran gewöhnen keinen klassischen Chef zu haben, sondern sich ein Netzwerk aufzubauen. Wenn man das aber geschafft hat, ist es sehr viel angenehmer als in einem hierarchischem Unternehmen.








Umgang mit älteren Kollegen




Interessante Aufgaben

1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreichZustimmenZustimmen?MeldenTeilen

Sehr cool wenn man gerade von der Uni kommt; mit Berufserfahrung immer noch gut, aber es gibt bessere Optionen (FAANG)

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2021 bei Netlight Consulting GmbH in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Freundiche Menschen; Insbesondere wenn man frisch von der Uni kommt kann man viel lernen.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Kein Home-Office; Gehalt ist nicht kompetitiv wenn man als Software Engineer sehr gut ist; sobald man Senior ist, gibt es weniger Lernmöglichkeiten







Interessante Aufgaben


Mehr Schein als Sein

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT bei Netlight Consulting in Berlin gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- interessante Aufgaben und Klienten
- Größtenteils nette Kollegen

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- keine Transparenz und nur oberflächlicher Support, welche Schritte notwendig sind, um in der Karriere den nächsten Schritt zu gehen
- indirekter Druck und Erwartung ins Office zu kommen und an Events teilzunehmen
- von consultants wird erwartet auch Teil des Sales beim Kunden zu machen
- Hierarchie ist spürbar (erst Sales, dann Talent, dann Consultants)
- resource verschwenderisch in gewissen Aspekten


- Optionen des Carsharings
- Zuschuss zum Sportangebot/Wellness


Ok mit negativen touch. Druck wird erzeugt


Ausbaufähig. Hier wird aussortiert, wer nicht dazu passt und nicht mitziehen kann


Überdurchschnittlich aber hängt von der Auslastung ab


Abhängig vom Vorgesetzten, wie viel Zeit er in dich investieren kann. Musst selbst schwimmen lernen


Neuste Geräte nach Wunsch


Könnte transparenter sein. Vielen oberflächlich behandelt


Diverse Kollegen

Interessante Aufgaben

Coole Clients





Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

2Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich4Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen


Leila MiadiTalent Manager

Hej ehemalige:r Kolleg:in,

vielen Dank für deine Bewertung & dein Feedback. Du leistest damit einen wichtigen Beitrag, da wir uns durch Perspektiven und Erfahrungen, wie deine, stetig weiterentwickeln können. :-)

Es tut mir leid zu lesen, dass du dir in deiner Zeit mehr Transparenz gewünscht hättest. Zeitige & ehrliche Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe hat für uns einen sehr hohen Stellenwert, da sie in unserer Netzwerkorganisation nicht nur wichtig ist, damit jede:r Netlighter:in Entscheidungen treffen und selbstorganisiert arbeiten kann, sondern auch das vertrauensvolle Umfeld schafft, in dem wir gemeinsam arbeiten möchten. Gleichzeitig erwarten wir von einander, uns proaktiv Perspektiven zu arbeitsrelevanten Themen und auch Feedback von Kolleg:innen einholen.

Wir verstehen die Rolle des Consultants als ganzheitliche technische Berater:innen, die Projekte nicht nur implementieren. Dazu gehört, dass wir uns als Consultants in unseren Projekten immer wieder hinterfragen und für unsere Kunden die bestmögliche Lösung finden und technisch umsetzen um sie an ihr Ziel zu bringen. Unsere Organisationsstruktur mit definierten Core-Funktionen (Consulting, Engagement Search, Talent Search) dient unter anderem dazu, dass wir kompetenz- und interessenbasiert an Themen arbeiten können und eben nicht in rigiden Rollen stecken. Hierbei kommt es immer wieder dazu, dass wir an übergreifenden Themen zusammen arbeiten, z.B. in unseren Rekrutierungsprozessen, oder in der Entwicklung unserer Kundenprojekte.

Ich würde mich freuen, wenn wir uns nochmal konkreter über dein Feedback austauschen können. Das hilft mir und uns es besser zu verstehen, um ganz konkret damit arbeiten und z.B. Handlungsempfehlungen ableiten zu können. Falls du für einen Austausch offen bist, melde dich sehr gerne via Mail oder LinkedIn bei mir.

Viele Grüße

A good place for juniors

Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT bei Netlight Consulting GmbH in München gearbeitet.


The ambiance is quite pleasant. If you're working from the Netlight office, you'll find that everyone is exceptionally supportive and willing to offer valuable insights. However, if you're situated at the client's office, the atmosphere may vary depending on the client's environment.


The perception of Netlight varies depending on who you ask. Within our client base, we enjoy a very positive image, and being assigned to one of our clients is seen as an esteemed opportunity, often met with a warm welcome. However, beyond our client landscape, we are relatively unknown. When you mention Netlight to those unfamiliar with the company, it's often met with little recognition. We're seen as just another consultancy, especially when compared to well-known names like McKinsey, Bain, or BCG. If you were to apply to a FAANG company or any other major tech firm, it's likely that people would have never heard of Netlight.


As you climb the management ladder, the work-life balance notably deteriorates. While there is a contractual obligation to dedicate 40 hours to the client, taking on a management role brings additional responsibilities. This includes mentoring a group of around 4-6 individuals, conducting interviews, coaching colleagues from different projects, participating in sales meetings, driving internal initiatives at Netlight, and engaging in business planning and strategy sessions for your projects. All of these tasks are technically in addition to your 40-hour workweek. The expectation is that you make it work and assess your "impact" at the client based on results rather than mere hours worked. This practice can be perceived as unethical and is not transparently communicated to the client. If you desire a standard 40-hour workweek, you must manage these Netlight-related responsibilities within your client-working hours, or else you'll find yourself realistically working closer to 50 hours per week or more.


The experience at Netlight is quite satisfying as a junior. However, as you progress into more senior roles, your responsibilities tend to shift towards management and involvement in projects that may not be as intellectually challenging. There's mostly the possibility of handling challenging situations, like firefighting, particularly when dealing with complex or demanding clients.


It really depends on how you position Netlight. If you view it as a body leasing company that provides engineers to clients, the compensation is quite lucrative, especially when you reach a managerial role. After about 4-5 years, it's possible to nearly double your income (starting at 60k), easily reaching around 110-115k, which I find impressive considering the work we do.

However, when you compare it to other consulting firms, especially in senior or managerial positions, there might be room for improvement. It really depends on who you're comparing yourself to. Personally, I believe the compensation is substantial.


Considering the company's size, the sustainability initiatives are quite commendable. There's a strong focus on promoting plant-based diets, with a preference for vegetarian or even vegan food at company events. The "train first" policy is encouraged whenever feasible, reducing the reliance on air travel. Additionally, CO2 offsetting is provided as a benefit. However, it's worth noting that there's still a significant amount of air travel, particularly among the partners who are the largest contributors to CO2 emissions within the company.


I truly appreciate the strong sense of camaraderie where people are always willing to support one another. Whether it's requesting a phone call, reaching out on Slack, or even scheduling time during meal breaks or evenings, there's an eagerness to lend a hand, and it typically happens without any competitive undertones. The sense of unity and helpfulness among Netlighters is what has made me stay with the company.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

At Netlight, the practice is to not hire senior professionals, primarily due to the challenge of "shaping" them to align with the Netlight culture. Career progression at Netlight predominantly revolves around one's comprehension of the company's values and the ability to convey them to junior colleagues. It requires time to fully grasp this dynamic, and, as a result, the investment in onboarding seniors with different mindsets who must assimilate the Netlight ethos is considered too high. It's somewhat unfortunate because I believe that Netlight could derive significant benefits from the fresh perspectives and experience that senior professionals from external backgrounds could bring.

Regarding age diversity, I can't provide much insight, as the workforce at Netlight remains predominantly youthful, with the oldest employees likely in their early to mid-forties.


At Netlight, there isn't a traditional hierarchical structure with "bosses." Instead, mentors take on the role of guiding your career development within the company. However, these mentors typically lack formal training in mentorship. What's notable is that individuals advance to managerial positions rather quickly, typically within around 3.5 years, and start supervising others without prior training or extensive experience in this capacity. Many of them are still in their mid to late twenties and relatively junior in their roles.

Mentorship is largely learned on the job, and it's uncommon to collaborate with your mentees on projects. Consequently, your assessment of their progress is based on feedback from others and the information they share with you. Given that mentors are also juggling numerous additional responsibilities, they often have limited time to dedicate to mentoring and staying on top of things. Attempting to fulfill all these duties would result in excessive overtime for them.


The office is undeniably impressive, situated in a prestigious location at the heart of Munich, and it's something worth boasting about. Recruiters, salespeople, and partners find it a paradise and a wonderful place to work from. However, for consultants, it's a different story. There's minimal space for them to effectively carry out their work. The environment is often too noisy, and the workspaces lack the necessary amenities for optimal productivity.

The new office, in reality, isn't tailored for consultants, and it has been explicitly communicated that consultants should return to the client's office. This directive, however, presents challenges as clients have shifted towards remote or hybrid work arrangements, leaving Netlight consultants occupying empty offices at the client site, which is not a practical solution.


Communication has undergone some shifts with the significant growth of the Munich office. A few years ago, the communication structure appeared to be more horizontally oriented, whereas now it frequently flows from abvoe. This means that even if you hold a management position, information often comes from higher-ranking individuals, such as partners and board members. You are then tasked with conveying this information to your mentees, the individuals under your responsibility, while also representing the employer's perspective, as this is the expected approach.


In my personal opinion, I believe that Netlight is doing exceptionally well in this regard. There is a strong emphasis on the advancement of females in their careers, with a focus on establishing female role models in management. This initiative serves as an inspiration for younger talents seeking mentors and leaders to look up to.

The work environment is highly liberal, and I find it to be one of the most welcoming places I have ever worked in. Additionally, the company prioritizes the needs of parents, offering services like a dedicated kita and counting parental leave as valuable time spent in your career. This approach ensures that individuals do not fall behind professionally while still being able to focus on their family responsibilities.

Interessante Aufgaben

This dynamic has evolved over time, influenced by factors like the office's size, the impact of COVID, and the current economic downturn and netlights plans to growh from 2000 to 7000 people. As a result, projects have become considerably less appealing for senior professionals, offering limited opportunities for competence growth. The clients are major players in the industry, but the projects lack the intrigue found in either the domain or the technical challenges they present.

For junior engineers, there's still ample opportunity to benefit from the network and resources Netlight provides. However, as you advance to more senior roles, the availability of mentors and opportunities for learning diminishes. This is especially apparent in Munich, where the office's growth relies on securing major clients. Unfortunately, the number of startups or innovative companies in the region tends to decline over time, primarily due to the natural dynamics of growth and stability.

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Max MaurerConsultant

Hi (former) Netlighter,

thanks a lot for taking the time to give such an in-depth review on all the Netlight company topics that you have touched upon. Really appreciated that you took a serious and constructive look at things from your personal perspective.

Seeing also all the positive points and the way how you apparently still personally relate to being a part of Netlight made me want to write this reply to you.

Some of the constructive things you mention belong for me to the challenges that we face as a growing office. Netlight is a company built around growth and it enables a lot of key Netlight promises. For example, working with larger clients, having a larger diversity of roles and it also enables us to as individuals to grow personally with a growing office. Having myself seen the office go from 30 people to 400, everything has a charm. Being small enables everyone to know everything at the cost of fewer opportunities. Being 400 means of course that not everyone can know everything anymore. Here we bet on our organic structures to carry information. We don’t always succeed with this and need to learn from our mistakes together.

When it comes to working hours, we are a diverse place: we have new graduates, people with a large family and people that just moved to Munich. Everyone can find their pace at Netlight; also timewise. However, imposters syndrome is often there to make it look like other do more and spend more time. We need to constantly keep improving on making sure that everyone has a fair chance choosing their own pace.

Which brings me to the topic of mentors. At Netlight you basically start being a “mentor” early in your journey. We constantly support each other be it through Slack, later through DC assignments and then ultimately from Associate Manager onwards as official mentors. With this structure we can enable growth in both the mentees and the mentors themselves. On top of that our trainings like GC courses, Coaching Dojo and the mentor boo(s)tcamp supports us to get the right tools for it.

I am proud being part of an organization with a focus on personal development that so positively sticks out of the usual German habit of “Zielerreichungsgespräche” (yearly performance review).

Thanks again for taking the time to write this interesting feedback. Happy to meet you somewhere at some point in the future and deepen those thoughts.

All the best for your future endeavors


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